Top 5 attributes SME owners look for when hiring


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Top 5 attributes SME owners look for when hiring

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Small business owners reveal that personal skills trump professionals skills and education when hiring

  • Our findings reveal that honesty is the top attribute that small business owners look for when hiring (49%), followed by a good personality (38%).
  • However, just 6% said that they look for candidates with undergraduate degrees and 37% require experience in a similar position.
  • Getting hiring right is essential for future success as one in six business owners reveal poor hires prevent future growth and one in ten say it leads to fewer sales.
  • These findings come as SMEs are on the lookout for new talent with small business vacancies at 575,000 – up by 72% from the same period last year.
1. Honesty44%
2. Good personality38%
3(=). Skill set which matches the job description37%
3(=). Experience in a similar position37%
5. Good at verbal communication34%


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